JONES Family

JONES Family

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mommy's a Pirate

Saturday morning proved to be eventful. At about 10am Shelby and I had a moment that ended up with the next few hours at urgent care. I was getting us bundled up for a walk in the wagon he got from Grammy & Grandpa. I had a piece of paper and a pen to jott down ideas for photos as I walked. When I reached for my scarf with Shelby in my arms, he reached down and grabbed the pen from my hand. He wripped off the lid and lifted the pen in the air. When I turned towards him, he knew I'd take the pen away, so with a swift jerk in defiance, the pen managed to poke me directly in the eyeball. I didn't know blood could literally drip down your face from your eye! I carefully set Shelby down and then started yelling to Stacy while covering my eye. I yelled, "I'm not going to panic....I'm not going to panic..." with fear and panic rising up and betraying my efforts. Luckily it was my left eye, and I could continue with my photo shoot that afternoon.
When I got out, I kept telling him, Mommy's a pirate, "Arrrr, matie" so he wouldn't be freaked out by the craziness they used to protect my eye.
This is Saturday afternoon:
Here it is looking worse on Sunday night. Basically like a bruise that looks worse before it looks better. I know this is gross, but also fascinating. You can't tell from the pic, but the whitish-yellow dab amongst the red is actually a torn up layer of eye. Like a piece of skin that flaps back when cut. Weird!
I have to find an eye dr tomorrow and go get it checked out.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Oh my gosh... that is crazy.. I thought my toe was bad but the eye... that is no good... you are really lucky he did not get your in the iris or pupil.. you need to take care of your self... the eyes and the nose are weak spot... I hate to see that and hope you get better soon... I love the graffic pics though... you know I would have done the same thing... and would go to bed already... you did like 30 post in one night and I can not get off the computer bc everytime I think I am done there is more... stop it and give me some tomorrow. HE HE HE

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

Good idea on the pirate facade!!! Holy heck that look like it hurt!!!
Thank you for the sweet call this morning you guys are so thoughtful!

Patsi said...

OMG! Ouch! What an event & I loved the graphic pictures! NEver seen that before either! You have educated me.

Jeramy, Terrie, Eli, and Aiden said...

oh goodness! poor you!! take care of that eye! Looks like major pain and what a great way to keep Shelby calm with the pirate thing!

Jeramy, Terrie, Eli, and Aiden said...
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