JONES Family

JONES Family

Friday, July 6, 2012

Rodeo Date

Shelby's first official date!

Shelby and Giana, some time ago, each separately informed their mommy that they were going on a date to the rodeo together.  Apparently Giana said something about wanting to go with a cowboy.  So, for her birthday, Shelby picked out a pink cowgirl hat, pink sparkly belt and a cute Cruel Girl cowgirl t-shirt.  He would have bought her the entire store if we would have let him.  It was the sweetest thing.

So, Staci agreed to let her daughter go on a date with Shelby.  They first met us at the Rodeo parade that morning, then later Staci dropped her off at the Rodeo grounds with us.  The kids were hilarious together, constantly hugging or holding hands.  Even though it's cute, Staci (and my Stacy) and I talk about how it scares the crap out of us that they can be so into each other at 5 years old!

They were so giddy to see each other when we got to the parade that morning!

Shelby showing off.  Dance moves with attitude.
This little old lady on her precious little cart with a miniature horse was my favorite!
Shelby took this picture of Staci and I.
So then Giana wanted to get to take a picture too.  At the last second Shelby stuck his face in "cheese!" it was pretty funny.
Off to the rodeo!  The kids wanted to ride the bull together.  The announcer made a big deal to the crowd about this being their first date and how cute they were.  They got a few "awww's".

This is now a tradition!  Each year at the rodeo for the past few years, we run into Ms Teren, one of Shelby's teachers from Trinity daycare.  She was his teacher in the Bumblebee room when he was less than 2 yrs old. :->  She made it to his birthday party this year and gave him a cute, laminated photo of the 2 of them at the rodeo last year in her card.  He proudly displays it on his pegboard in his room.
This is actually when G first arrived.

A bull ride, stuffed animal baby souveniers, and a funnel cake later, we were in the stands to watch the show!

We had a great time!  By the end though, these two were over each other and ready to part ways.  HAHAHA!

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