JONES Family

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Remember when...
I found a random jump drive in the desk drawer and this was a picture on there...
This was when our friends, Dave and Lenecia lived here in Cali. Miss you guys!
Wow, was he ever this little? I can't even remember...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Unblogged....ipad pics
Ipad photos!!!! Now that I'm on Instagram I apologize with how easy it is to post a pic there vs on the blog. But I have to remember how many people aren't on that. If you are, request me...livinlife_20
Mother's Day Weekend
Working on the'll see updates throughout the post...we're taking it one step at a time, but it's making the world of difference.
I've been working soooo hard to take better, consistent care of my outdoor plants and they're thriving. This guy looks better now than he did when I took the photo, too.And our lemon tree!!!! Lots of TLC...waiting on lemons this year....last year was not a good one.
Shelby is a horrendous self-entertainer. But this particular weekend he was overcoming the tail end of an illness and didn't want to get out of pj's. Stacy and I were in and out, working outside and he thought it was too hot to be outside (just too embarassed to be in pj's but didn't want to change). So for once he did his own think. I found him behind a "fort" of pillows and doing activities. Later I was asked to join him.
That Sunday we attended wine festival. First, mommies and kids (me and nicole) and then Tessa babysat both boys while we had adult time. What a blast!!!!!
Shelby and Travis were thrilled at the presents we brought home...sword balloons.
However, while he was home recovering on that Friday, Shelby opened and excavation kit he got for xmas but hadn't "dug" into. He treasured it! A good hour of entertainment.
A jewel!
I tried to get him to grasp the concept of drawing a face on the mirror that you could insert yourself into, but he struggled....hahahaha
That day when he was feeling better he wanted to build a restaurant to have a fancy dinner. We thumb tacked sheets to the ceiling to get his effect. He was soooo cute about it all! He even cleaned the table. I told him he should put a towel on his arm and be the waiter and he wasn't crazy about it. Kept calling it my rest was all him.
Chefs in the house.
Flight school...they didn't actually get to fly, but learned all about it. Shelby was pretty excited about all of it. He was full of questions.
Of course his fav was the red plane.
Mommy/Shelby time...we let Daddy spend time at the gym and working on the kitchen without disruption. ;-)
I absolutely ADORE this smile!!!!!!!!!
Back to remodel work...told ya, comes in sections.
Shelby decided he wanted to help. After the first coat, he was over it.
And, we've learned date night is important when the stress of remodel is working through the
More Mother's Day pics. What a FABULOUS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We went to Alden Lane nursery for Mother's Day. I didn't commit to any more plants, but asked questions about how to treat the ones I have. While there, the Alameda County ladies making quilts to send to our troops had a booth. Shelby was excited to make a panel that would say Thank You to our soldiers and be included on the next quilt. So sweet.
He took his time, asking how to spell and making a beautiful flag.
What a wonderful Mother's Day! I saw this pic and thought, "Man, my little baby is such a little man!!!!!"
Back home for Sangria Wine Sunday...
That afternoon Stacy tried out his custom made cabinet where the oven once used to reside. Way to go, Stace!!!!!
Then he made my request...Nonny's ravioli's!
Okay, don't lie....this is cute!
YUM!!!! He said he learned not to make the ends so thick. He was worried the filling would fall out.
And there they are!!!!! Our first completed section of drawers. GORGEOUS! What a difference!!!!!
That Monday I came home to find Shelby and Daddy doing the crossfit workout together. CUTE!
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