JONES Family

JONES Family

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mommy & Shelby Day

Shelby and I are funny because he continues to amaze me with how much his personality matches mine. All daddy when you look at him, but me when you really 'see' who he is. This works great for a day (evidence above) but by Sunday we've just had enough and we're clashing with every other breath. We were both so grateful when Daddy got home Sunday night and brought our household back in balance.
But the joys of our great time together are what's getting me through the week. The memory of the moment he randomly grabbed my attention and said, "Mom, I really do love you a lot."
"I love you too, Shelby, more than I ever thought my heart had the capacity to love another being unconditionally."

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Alameda County Fair

Stacy & Brian were out at Brian's property for the weekend, so I took Shelby to the Alameda County Fair with Rebecca and Nina. We had the best time and made it through 6 hours at the fair! I didn't have my camera with me, and only on my way there figured out the little pocket camera wasn't working, so I'm awaiting pics shared from Rebecca, but she did get to me the video we took of Shelby in the Tractor Pull competition. We watched the competition once and he begged us to come back and sign him up a few hours later so he could show them who's boss!

He was the last boy standing, but didn't accomplish the 3rd round. He did GREAT though! He was so proud and wished his Daddy was there to see him.


The Livermore Rodeo was in full force this year. They pride themselves on being the world's fastest rodeo...and it is! Extremely organized and quick, don't blink or you'll miss the day's events. was determined to ride the bull...enjoy the video. We've got a bull riding cowboy on our hands, folks. His face was so serious and at the end he says to me "I was just a little bit scared."

We went with Cody & Chely Wallace again this year (our annual ritual now) and had a blast. After the rodeo, Shelby and Morgan (one of our babysitting favs) hung out for the night while we went with C&C to the Tim McGraw concert. We ended up loving the opening guy Luke Bryan. We'd never heard of him, but are loving him now!

All sad that another rodeo event has come and gone.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

There are a lot of wonderful things I can say about the man Stacy Jones is that I know everyone he comes in contact with will "ditto". However, today I want to hilight what I find most phenomenal: Stacy, 'Shelby's father'. I could not ask for a more amazing Dad to father the child that has my heart. He is unconditionally loving, unlimitedly supportive and endlessly patient. I love that he's working hard to teach our son how to be a gentleman and respectable, genuine being who's word is his bond.

I can only hope that Shelby grows to truly appreciate the man he calls "Daddy" because I believe he's the luckiest kid on Earth!

And speaking of lucky kids....Stacy and I also believe ourselves to have been the product of amazing, loving fathers who have instilled in us the importance of family and what it means to sacrifice for the ones you love most! Thank you to our own fathers and grandfathers for all they've done to make us who we are.

Happy Father's Day