JONES Family

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
For Shelby's 6th Birthday, he wanted an Angry Bird: Star Wars Themed Slumber Party!
He invited his old pre-school buddies, which worked out great, since all the families are so close. It was easier to ask parents to entrust their child in our care.
We all had a TON of fun!!!!
We started off with snacks and opening presents.
Kyle Schacherer
Carson Williams
Jake Lamarre and Spencer Haugen
We got Shelby some Angry Birds: Star Wars underwear and he acted embarassed....till he realized how many laughs talking about underwear gets. Seriously? LOL
Kyle Strait on left
Shelby is quite the entertainer. He had the boys laughing soooo hard with his voices and making up renditions of the children's actual names.
It did my heart such good to watch the boys laugh so hard they didn't know what to do with theirselves. Talk about absolute pure joy.
Yes, I'm aware all my frames on the dining room wall still do not have photos in them. Me...the photographer! It's cobbler's kids having no shoes syndrome, I guess.
I would like to point out how proud I am of my own photos from Napa turned in to wall canvases in this one. So I'm not completely lacking in decor.
Like I said, hysterics. I was worried someone was gonna choke they laughed soooo hard.
My Sister-in-Law, Sharla, had sent me a picture of an angry birds pizza off pinterest. I asked Stacy if he could turn it into a Star Wars theme. He did a great job!
Unfortunately, the dough was freezer'd from his last homemade pizza for us and it didn't rise. And this is how awful it looks when it's actually cooked! LOL!!! So, we called our favorite pizza place, Bella Roma, kept the kids entertained and in 20 min we had pizza. HAHAHA....I don't think Stacy and I will ever forget this one.Shelby went through opening the presents from the kids so fast that I only got to catch pics of him opening our gifts at the end. His doggie, Sophie, got him the Kids Bop 23 CD he wanted.
I don't know what we would have done without Chaila! She worked the party and helped Stacy and I keep things going and keep our sanity! I was able to clean up before bed while Chaila played with the kids in Shelby's room. Chaila is our old neighbor and it's crazy to think they met when Shelby was 9 months and Chaila was 8 yrs old. Now she's 13 and an awesome babysitter! She has only missed his 1 yr birthday party, so it was fitting for her to be here for the 5th year in a row. We love you, Chaila!
Then it was time to move on to real life Angry Birds: Star Wars game. The boys stood behind the table and knocked down a wall of empty boxes of various sizes with the Angry Birds Pigs setting on top. It was a huge hit! Yes, pun intended.
Best Buds. Poor Nicolas woke up with pink eye, and he was dearly missed. Nicol said he cried most of the day and cried his way through dinner. He was so upset they all slept in the family room that night, him in his sleeping bag. Awwww....we missed you, Bud!
CUPCAKES! Ok....a moment to be blown away!!!! Our friend, Megan Ballecer, made these cupakes. She's married to Ryan, Shelby's karate sensei. (I guess that's his title...he'll probably kill me if I messed that up.) She literally designed these!!! Can you believe the talent!!!!! I was in awe. The kids LOVED them!
Look at this detail! OMG!
Make a wish, sweet boy!
Sophie was a bit overwhelmed by the boys, so we put her in her kennel in the room for a while to rest. But overall, she did good. She LOVED Jakie and he was such a sweetie back with her.
We set up the living room with a fun black paper and streamers design on the ceiling. Shelby and Spencer used their night light babies to shine stars on the ceiling. We played soft music and Stacy and I sat in the room for a while so no one would be afraid. We let them giggle for a bit, but I was scared to death of the "second wind" so at 9:45 I stood over them and Stacy let me be the "bad guy" with a stern "That's enough, boys. Go to bed." They all closed their eyes and every single one of them was out in 5 minutes! We were cracking up. They did great throughout the night! We had a few coughing attacks and one rolled off the mattress in his sleeping back, but I put him back on and he didn't seem to wake up. One had his arm smacked straight in Shelby's face, but they slept through it, so I didn't move them. I checked on them 3 times during the night just to be sure. They slept better than me! HAHAHA
And at 5:50a one of the boys went potty and decided it was his duty to wake up the crew. LOL And finally they got the movie time they begged for at bedtime, when I chose book reading instead.
Breakfast consisted of chocolate chip pancakes and whipped cream smiley faces. We also had fruit and sausage, but mine was the only one that would eat both of those. I had one kid say, "I don't eat protein." I seriously doubt that, little man, but I'll let you off the hook this morning. Only mine was my responsibility to demand he eat the rest. I did talk each child into one piece of fruit. Most went with one blueberry...hahahaha. Oh well. Sorry, Moms, I tried.
Spencer wanted to play the game he got Shelby, so they all bundled up and went outside and played till the parents came to retrieve them.
Don't worry, I didn't let Jake play outside without a jacket. He was inside with Sophie (so cute) and only ran out for the photo when Kim came.
THANK YOU to all the parents that entrusted us with their children for the night. Many experienced their first night at a sleepover! It was an amazing party full of cherishable memories.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANDSOME PRINCE!!!! Mommy and Daddy (and Sophie) love you sooooo very much.
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