JONES Family

JONES Family

Saturday, September 20, 2008

ABC, 123 & Monday night football!

Above: Shelby likes to count to 3, say, "ABC" and tell on Michael who bit him. Since he's usually the biter, we were slightly relieved that he hadn't been the one to inflict pain that day. (Yes, he gets that from Mom. How's that fair? Daddy's good looks and Mommy's bad habits...)

Above: Shelby loved dancing to Hank for Monday night football!

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

And I am sure not his last NFL dance... that is so cute and he is talking so well.. Pierce is not doing that yet... and I love the diaper sign language.. you have taught him so much and he is such a happy kid... we miss you guys tremendously... LOVE to all.