Christmas at the Jones house was a lot of fun with the 3 of us. Shelby made some sweet little ornaments at school for our tree.

On Christmas Eve, we each got to open one gift. Shelby opened a dancing Mickey Mouse from Grandpa and Grammy. He was jamming out to "Hot Dog...Hot Dog...Hot Diggity Dog!" Thanks, Guys!

Christmas morning Shelby let us sleep in till 7:30am! Very rare... The first thing he saw was the kitchenette set!
He wanted us to move it to the middle of the room and have a "party" at which time all the dolls he had that made noise were lined up and turned on. He was dancing away and then the funniest was by the time he got to the end, the first doll had stopped and he had a few dance moves, before it was time to start over again.
As you recall, all Shelby wanted from Santa was a "big dinosaur!" We didn't get a big one, but it moved and roared and he knew it was from Santa.
Hey, dinosaur loves the party!

Nonna & Granddad also sent a Thomas the Train set!
I think Grandpa and Grammy forgot they already came out and bought a whole tree's worth of gifts, because they sent new clothes, too! This one is my fav shirt. CUTE!
Kalyn sent Spiderman slippers for the Xmas exchange we missed in Texas. He loves them!
Next he opened the gifts from Uncle D, Aunt Sharla, Saige and Daxton. This puzzle is HOURS of fun and challenge! There's so many different scenes to make.
New Monkey pj's! Warm and cozy.
This book is awesome! It comes with masks that you put on to show the different feelings of monsters. I plan to get one for all the bday parties we go to around here this year for sure! Thanks for everything, guys!
Daddy got a new point and click Cannon from Tehya and Papa John. We're so excited, because we can take video for the blog again! YEAH! Shelby seemed to get really excited about the yellow Best Buy paperwork. Go figure.
One of Grammy & Grandpa's was SuperWhy! The Superhero that reads and learns!
Nonna & Granddad ensured Abby wasn't left out with her new chew toy!
Tehya & Papa John sent Shelby a coon skin hat....Dad, that's Shelby's!
Uncle Shae, Ciotka, MAWJ & Trace sent a ton of goodies. Shelby loved the books that also have wheels to move...
His new monkey and dinosaur pajamas...
...and most of all his Dinosaur Egg! This sucker was a hit! (More to come on watching this thing grow over the next week)
PaPa & Zsa Zsa sent new tools! Cool!
I want to watch my new movies! Grandpa & Grammy got him Up and he LOVED it!
So, while he was busy, we opened our gifts. Shae & Harper sent Stacy a Cabela's gift card and new pants! The pants are HOT! ;->
Shelby was excited when I opened the present from him.
A fun plaid shirt! (I ditched the belt, but LOVE the top!) Thanks, Shelby.
Back to Shelby (break time over) he opened Grandpa Dino's favorite gift...the punching bag! Take that!
Knocked him on his tail.
Let Daddy show you how it's done.
Sweet victory!
Friends again.
Back to me, I got beautiful earrings from Shae & Harper!
And fun serving cups from PaPa & Zsa Zsa. Like I need an excuse to throw a party! It's on!
Dad got new shirts from Shelby. He already had to throw the polo away when he cinged it on the iron and the fabric ruined. Good one.
I got new scarfs from Tehya! LOVE THEM!
And the geeked out face is genuine thrill about my new GPS from Stacy!!!!
Hey, what about my dinosaur egg! Is it ready yet! The first few days involved this routine about every 30 min to an hour.
With the dino still in the egg, we moved on to the new kitchenette set and pizza party.
Like a good host, he ensured all his guests were taken care of.
Thanks to everyone for making our Christmas so special!!!!!!

Stacy opened edible (mmm...chocolate...) Texas rocks from PaPa and Zsa Zsa that blew Shelby's mind, and I opened some cuddly pj's for Xmas day from Tehya and Papa John. THANKS!
After Shelby went to bed, Mom and Dad worked hard to put together his kitchenette set from Nonna & Granddad. A little spiked eggnog made this exercise pretty funny.

Way to go, Hon! I'll reward you with...more Eggnog!

Shelby got Superman (old school) DVD's from Mom & Dad and an old school lunchbox to put his toys in.

Thanks for the gifts from everyone prior to Xmas day! Everything for me & Stacy from Dennis & Elaine and the new porch swing from Mom & Dad. You guys are so good to us!
We love everyone and hope you wrapped up your year just as fabulously!
1 comment:
Hey girl don't trash the belt, put on some black tights with some black high top boots, and the belt over the plaid shirt girl and you rock! LOL
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