Stacy was notified of the try-outs to be an extra in the upcoming Brad Pitt movie, Money Ball, to be made at the Oakland A's stadium. He had to submit photos: head shot & body shot and his measurements. He got the call on Friday to come try-out on Saturday. FUN! So, he spent hours in the sun and in several lines: check-in, pictures & batting.He got interviewed in front of the camera just before he batted.We're awaiting the call back. Look out Brad! My hottie man is on the set.
Stacy had the honor of being named after his Uncle Stacy, Stacy III had the honor of being named after both his Uncle Stacy and his great Uncle Stacy. Big shoes to fill've already got the good looks covered and put both of them to shame. LOL!PreciousThis game forever makes me nervous...with my nieces, nephews and with my son. The kids all love it, and I trust Stacy, but my heart jumps every time. Yes, he moves that barrier arm and lets them balance in his palm.Miss you, Baby Boy!
The Lake on Tehya's property is a lot of fun! From paddle boats, to frogs, to rock skipping to FISHING!Phewy on this pole fishing...let's try this big net thing.
What trip to Texas wouldn't be complete without some horseback riding. Uncle Shae took the kids out for a ride.I love the look on MAWJ's face in this one.So sweet.She was determined to "do it myself!" Crazy girl...She gets her fearlessness from her Mama. A good photographer thinks not of her own safety, but only of getting the best shot. Ha!Shelby's turn.Howdy, Ma'am.And, the Lone Ranger rides away...
Since I changed the template for the blog to more of a dreamy "Make A Wish" style, thought it'd be good to introduce the new look with my pics of Harper making her own wishes in Texas.
PaPa & Zsa-Zsa are fabulous great-grandparents with (I believe) 8 great-grandchildren. I'm not sure I counted that right...LOL...
Queen Zsa-Zsa with some of her little princes and princesses. Shelby attached himself to PaPa on the golf cart rather quickly. He had to be the one by his side.
For the record, he only sat by Zsa-Zsa for the photo, but it was by PaPa for the ride...