We went to Texas for Zsa-Zsa's 80th Birthday over Memorial Day weekend.
Shelby couldn't wait to spend time with MaryAnn. They seemed to do a little better this time, but still had their battling it out moments.

I have to keep telling her we'll see her and Baby Stacy again in a few months.
TONS more photos of the weekend to come....
So cute... I just love that little man.
8 weeks to go....
I overheard a long (and frustrated) discussion with Daddy and MAWJ last night about the value of pennies, dimes, nickles, etc. Then out of nowhere MAWJ exclaims that she has enough for her ticket. Ticket, of course referring to airplane ticket to ya'll.
He's just getting so big. He doesn't look like a preschooler anymore...he looks like a young boy. sniff...time is going too fast!
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