After we returned from Singapore, I had the rest of my bday gift (yes, from May) to look foward to! Stacy flew my "little" brother out to spend the weekend with me. I picked him up from the airport and we headed to pick up Shelby from school. Uncle D was a complete celebrity as Shelby whisked past Mommy straight into Uncle D's arms.

When we got home Shelby wanted to tear him up a bit and recruited some help from Jett.

Umm...I don't think that's legal, Shelbster.

After putting in some quality time with Shelby, it was time for MY weekend! Darryl & I ventured out to Half Moon Bay on Sunday....Saturday below (I put in wrong order)
This plant was so pretty! It was at the precious cafe we ate at with lovely outdoor atmosphere.

We loved the downtown with all its cool colors, textures and nice weather.

This was painted on the back of a little, old school-looking grocery store.

Off to the beach.

Wanna go in? What? You mean the water's cold? Ha! Welcome to No Cal.

On the walk back to the car we took some shots of the beautiful mountains behind this cool barn.

And another cool barn & field. So pretty.

Of course, he can't come visit his sis in Livermore and not enjoy our wineries!

Me & My lil bro

Saturday we went to the city. We started at Fisherman's wharf where we were excited about Sponge Bob...LOL....poor Shelby, I don't even let him watch this show.


On our walk to the ballgame. This was in Little Italy.


D liked this really cool fountain...

At the Giants game for some serious fun!

We had the coolest seats and had a blast with the people around us.

D took the camera and ventured out on his own to check out the stadium.

Who's idea was it to let this guy control the camera.

Giants won!

I've learned that when you're grown, opposite sex siblings just seem to give up their relationship and instead find themselves lucky to pair up with in law same sex siblings. Though I appreciate this addition to my life for sure!!!!....I am also grateful for the chance to spend time with just my brother and talk like we used to. And of course, it's D, so the weekend was FILLED with TONS OF LAUGHS! I thought my abs would never heal.
Thank you to Sharla, Saige & Daxton for giving up a weekend with Darryl.
Thank you to Stacy for such a special gift!
And thanks to D for making the trip. I love you, Lil Brother!