JONES Family

JONES Family

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pals Before Gals!

Where does time go? Here are pics of Shelby & Pierce back in Houston, where we all met living in the same neighborhood. Camille and I were on maternity leave together. We loved meeting up & letting the boys play.We just can't believe how much they've grown!I had "Pals before Gals" shirts made up for them back when they were little guys. Here's Shelby wearing his so long ago.
These two are such characters together! I can't help but wonder if they'll be 12th Man Members some day.

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

oh man these are great... hey when you send me these pics can you please send me the pics from their baby photo shoot and any pics that you have when we went to the July 4th thingy in our neighborhood... I can not find any of those pics... yuckkkk... and yeah for friends like you that can keep up with all the photos.