It was soooo hot, and Shelby was showing it on his face.Sure smiles for Aunt Sharla though!
Push us higher, Nonna! Lil monkeys So typical. Saige couldn't walk around, she had to disturb the boys by plowing through their game. Look at those determined faces. Pool time So sweetAunt T's babies Let's calm down in the A/C for a bit... Uncle D came and told us Nonna found a treasure map in the cabin. The kids were so excited to go on a treasure hunt. D had created little maps and clues. There was this really great swing in a big random tree. There's the treasure! Pretty sure we mentioned to watch for spiders. Saige & Daxton took off running. So Shelby brought Dax his treasure. Arrrr....we found treasure mateys! Saige & Grandma are cuddly
I would like to acknowledge an ironic moment. I got my sister-in-law, Harper's comment on the last post: Oh my goodness your brother's family is GORGEOUS! Look at all those curls and Sharla is just beautiful! Jealous of all that thick hair!
And what's so funny to me is what I tell people, like at work when they see my family photos. "I have the two most GORGEOUS sister-in-laws!" And everyone oooh's and aaah's over all the kids pics: Saige & Dax and MaryAnn & Trace. For a while people I didn't know well would say "Wow, how many kids do you have, 5!" Nope....just one, but they're all my babies, so I display them just as prominently!
Thanks for the sweet comment, Harper. But today I'd like to honor BOTH of my HOT MAMA, SUPER SEXY, CRAZY TALENTED, AMAZING MOM sister-in-laws!