Please excuse the crazy long post...blogging our Christmas Day adventure is the best way for me to document the Xmas magic for the Shelbster and let the family see how much fun he had opening all their thoughtful gifts.
Christmas Eve we talked to Saige and Daxton opening presents at Nonna's. So, Shelby decided he should get to open Nonna and Granddad gifts too.
New PJ's! Pirate legos!!!! I washed them immediately so he'd have new jammies for xmas day. Our family tradition is to stay in our jammies ALL DAY LONG and go's fabulous.

Pirate bath toys...

Pass the Pickle game from Mommy & Daddy....soooo much fun!

Scuba diver bath toy from Nonna & Granddad's bath toy gifts. We love bathtime at our house, it's never a battle.

Gingerbread cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.


Sugarfree bubblegum in the stocking...what a treat! Notice Shelby has 3 stockings!!! Daddy has one too, since Tehya sent his childhood stocking. Such a treasure!

Star Wars lego pj's

Captain America toothbrush

And the "Your Way" toothpaste with stickers to decorate it your own style that Shelby had been begging for everytime the commercial came on.


Santa brought the "MAGIC SHOW!" This is him saying, "Magic!"

We goofed...he'd been begging for a magic show and told Santa that's what he wanted. Later, when we played with it, he got really upset because it wasn't "real magic!" It was just tricks....ooops...didn't see that one coming.

Nonna & Granddad never forget their first grandbaby, Abby. Abby will be 14 in March, is blind, deaf, diabetic and arthritic. Poor sweetie, but she still has energy and is excited to see us when we get home. Shelby is showing her the new baby for her to snuggle with, even though she can't hear it squeak.

New friend...

Clothes from Tehya and Papa John!

Camo pj's!

Leapster Explorer games and accessories from Mommy & Daddy. Yes, he asked for Tangled.

Tinkertoys from Uncle D, Aunt Sharla, Saige & Daxton

Mommy made stickey buns!!!! YUM....

More pirates

She claimed Shelby's babies, too.

Captain America from Grandpa & Grammy

This was a sweet gift from PaPa & Zsa-Zsa. They kept an albumn for each grandchild and mailed them out this year. Shelby loved it! Pics of Daddy growing up were FUNNY!

Drummer shirt from Stacy! Shelby took the picture.

Tesa gave Stacy a keepsake to carry in his wallet and have a guardian angel coin to remind him his Mom is always looking out for him. Sweet....

Telescope from Grandpa and Grammy.

Elaine bought me a gorgeous jewelry set. I first opened the earrings. She always equips me with jewelry that I get compliments on!

Wrestlers from Grandpa & Grammy


We missed a present from Nonna & Granddad the night before...pirates legos

Hey, these are the guys on my pj's

50 Dollars from G-G-Daddy!

Hydration is an important part of any sport....opening gifts is a workout

More clothes from Tehya & Papa kid loves clothes just as much as's funny!

Chutes and Ladders from Grandpa & Grammy

One of Shelby's favorite things to do is get a sad face. When I confusingly say, "Whoa, what's wrong, buddy!" He then...

slides his hand up to reveal a new happy face. It usually catches me offguard, which cracks him up even more.

Mommy's new scarf and bracelet from Zsa-Zsa. Pretty!

Pa Pa and Zsa-Zsa got Shelby a do it yourself build and paint tractor. Sounds like a great activity to do with Daddy in the shop.

Waffle maker for us from my mom & dad. We LOVE our weekend breakfasts in bed....yeah!

Pirate book personalized to tell a story incorporating the letters of Shelby's name from Tehya & Papa John.

It came with a Cap'n Shelby

Argh, Matey

What? Don't look at me like that....I'm tired.

New ornaments from Tehya

Karate bear to fight against last year's karate boy

I got Stacy new lamps for our bed stands. His was broken and no matter how great a day we had, he ended up cursing every night when he burned his hand trying to get the bulb unscrewed to turn the lamp off. He was so excited.

Tesa knows me well.....Santa outfit martini glass it

Mousetrap from Grammy & Grandpa. We love board games here, enjoying lots of family game nights

Cool night vision spy goggles from Uncle Tim, Aunt Linda, Hannah and Ian

Hey, Daddy....for the gazillionth time today, that's Shelby's toys...hahahaha

Shelby won! And there was no letting him win....seriously.

Movie time...

Our other tradition....Stacy makes a pizza from scratch. He's getting good!


Good job, Daddy!

The next day, wearing new clothes (I did a whole load of laundry so we could all enjoy our new stuff) and playing with Tinkertoys.

Santa messed up and got ages 7-12 lego set. But to Mommy and Daddy's amazement, Shelby completed rocked this thing!!!!

It was a wonderful holiday, and we're all spoiled rotten brats! Thanks to everyone for all your thoughtfulness and giving....we love you all.
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