Taking you back to the New Year's holiday....never got blogged. I took some time off, since Stacy wasn't working and Shelby's school was closed to have Family Day in San Fran. We went to the Children's Creativity Museum and had a blast!

The day started outside with a sack lunch picnic and playing outdoors.


Daddy? Is that you?

Indoors for tons of adventure. We started in the room that makes tons of echos.

Then, off for craft time. They gave Shelby a box of random items and he chose a card. The card said he was to use the items in the box to make a "robot dog". I couldn't fathom what he was going to do with cardboard, yarn, bottle caps, a shower cap, etc. But he new instantly. "No, mom, like this!"

And, this, my friend's is a robot dog. HAHAHA Hey, it's better than I could think of....

Off to dance and watch the screen do crazy things with your picture and motion.

You're on fire, Shelbs!

The museum had lots of decorative items. I snapped a few to show how fun and colorful they were as you passed them in the halls.

Puppet show!

This was a pic of the mirror behind him that let me see what he was doing when he thought he was ducked down behind the stage. Then, he realized what I was doing. Busted!

Off to be a Construction Worker like Daddy.


And, of course once it's built, we must knock it down!

Recording slide. The kids LOVED sliding down then watching their video.

Play Dough

This was my absolute favorite part of the day. Shelby took all his little play dough creations, walked over and sat down behind this counter and started yelling out, "Cookie for sale! Come get your cookies, Folks!" I hated that I didn't have video. My heart was breaking for him when he sat doing that for a while, watching people ignore him and keep walking by.

Then, people started to catch on to what this creative little guy was trying to achieve. They started pretend paying him and pretend eating their cookies. Happy customers at last!

What kind would you like?

The little girls started bringing him more "cookies" to sell.

Then it got crazy. Shelby said, "you owe me money for that cookie." The girl said, "wait, we're making you these cookies. You've gotta pay us!" And the fight was on. When he wouldn't let her take the pretend money, she started taking back her products. I was cracking up!

We explained to Shelby how you have to the people who work for you part of your profits. Then, we moved him along to the next activity.

It was a performing room. You enter your name and script in the computer and make a commercial that you can get on video. Shelby couldn't read the script on the screen, so he just wanted to dance.

And sing.

Lego area on the way out the door to the carousel.

I was entertaining a little girl that popped by.

Deep in serious thought again.

Look how tall, Mom.

See if I can jump this high.

On to the carousel before heading home.

I loved this pic of Stacy.....hahahaha


What an awesome time together.

Shelby wanted to take our picture next. The camera is half the size of his head, but he did a good job.

Starbucks stop before the bart ride back home.