JONES Family

JONES Family

Thursday, June 11, 2009

TDLC Camping Trip

Sorry for the delay in blogs.  It's been ill-time for the Jones household.  (Minus Immunity King Stacy)
Last Friday Shelby had a stomach bug that lasted for about 12 hours.  He was doing so great we decided to go ahead on the Trinity Daycare Learning Center annual camping trip that was planned.  Shelby had a blast!  We all did, until Mommy got the stomach bug at 3:30am at a campsite....nuff said.
Then Tuesday Shelby got sent home with a fever and no one has gotten any sleep since.  We're really hoping tonight is the turning point.
(See if you can find us.  No, Stacy is not featured.  He had to run home to take care of Abby.)
We were tasked with putting together a family sign for our tent.  I chose one of Shelby's "military" photos and ordered an enlargement with "Jones Family Tent.  Now Recruiting: Serious Marshmellow Toasters.  Apply Inside."It didn't take long before he was off...He loved the water.  He kept calling it the "water fountain."Throwing rocks was the thing to do.
Yes, Shelby and Alex are still a "thing."  (You remember Pebbles & Bam Bam?)  They're so funny together.Okay, for all those Momma's with little boys out there, I'll admit it.  I started tearing when Shelby did this.  My crying movements caused the blurred photo.  And so it begins...His future Father-in-Law, Steve, took him "fishing."  We told Shelby that's what throwing fake worms in the water was.
Loving the great outdoors.  He walked over to a patch of high grass and jumped right in!  He said, "Mommy, watch this!"
Shelby just loves Ms. Kim
A real water fountain!
This was hilarious.  Shelby stood there nicely eyeing Alex's graham cracker.  And then she offered him some.
He took a bite so fast and handed it back.
And that night he got to experience his first campfire and his first S'More!  The chocolate did its number, and it was 10:30pm before his excitement wore down and he'd sleep in the tent.
Minus the ending (and the fact that I froze my rear off while Stacy practically smiled in his sleep), it was an EXCELLENT time!  Shelby is on his way to Eagle Scout!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

I could totally find you guys in the group pic... how could you miss that blonde hair in the front... so cute and what a great trip... so sorry you guys have been out of commission... we totally understand must be in the weather... in CA and Sing... we miss you guys but looks like you guys are having a blast... keep the pics coming and great sign outside your tent... you are always so much fun.

Jeramy, Terrie, Eli, and Aiden said...

love the sign on the tent! too cute!

What a bummer that you got sick too... ugh!