from mid-May. Nicole (you all know her as Shelby's Buddy, Nicholas' Mommy) celebrated her birthday in true womanly style: Tea Party...Precious Little Sandwiches...and HATS! I had no idea what I was going to do for a big (southern church-style) hat, but I found this 20's flapper hat and created an outfit around it.

This made me want to start a collection of Tea sets....especially since I'll admit Shelby LOVES to play tea party.

This one felt so Paris cafe... (OKAY...I just had to edit the blog and laugh at myself. I wrote this before I reviewed the blog and read that it says "Paris Cafe" on the stinkin set. I'm such a dork.)

She gave these cute little fans as party favors.

Okay...told you...PRECIOUS FOOD!!!! And YUMMY

Happy Birthday, Nicole!

The crew...we had an absolute blast. I couldn't stop laughing at the hysterical personalities in this room. LOVED IT!

I took tons of pics and am finally putting her birthday gift together: a photo book to have and remember her bright birthday. Thanks for the invite, girl. LOVE YOU!