JONES Family

JONES Family

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year from the Snow!

Stacy & Brian decided to go to Brian's property Wednesday night and stay through Friday. So, Rebecca planned a trip for the rest of us. We had so much fun! We stayed in a hotel in Grass Valley on Thursday after a long adventure of getting there, and then headed to Soda Springs Friday after an awesome cafe breakfast. The kids had their melt down moments, but overall they did great! Shelby and Nina always balance each other out so well. And no, she's not a girlfriend, just a don't need to add to the Alex vs Giana competition.;->
The poor guys, though, they couldn't get the heater working at the trailer, so after one night of sleeping in 20 degree weather, they packed it up and headed home.

Ghetto kids..So sweet together.
The sun was out and it was GORGEOUS! Cold....but gorgeous.Tehya's hat & scarf she got Shelby are so stinkin' cute....and he looks cool. Ha!
Precious Nina
This was an inner tube ride that the kids loved.
Then, we took a little moving walkway up a little hill and the Rebecca tossed the kids down for a spin. That was a blast!
The boy vs girl thing shines through from time to time. Especially when it involves dangerous adventure. Shelby was determined to climb up this mountain with these other big kids and be "king of the mountain."
Till he just came rolling down...
So, back to the inner tube hill...
Then out to play in the snow, including snow ball fights!
There was another adventurous boy moment that had my heart pounding! Shelby went up and over a little bank into an area that was unchartered territory. Luckily he was too light to completely sink, but when I went to get him, I was waist deep! Talk about panic!Safe and sound in Mommy's arms...and I'm smiling again.
We hope to head back to the snow before the season's over and get Shelby on some skis!

1 comment:

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

Looks fun!!! Maybe we can move the reunion one year to the winter and take a ski/board trip! Whoo hoo! I'm in!!!