JONES Family

JONES Family

Friday, January 28, 2011

More from Tehya Time

Boy has this kid had a blast in Texas!
We told him he had to work hard at Tehya's house and be a big helper. Seems he did a great job.
And Tehya worked just as hard on Shelby's school lesson plan.
"C" is for Cooper.
Time to shine some pennies!
And with hard work comes time to play! Apparently they were the only people in the place on a weekday morning, so Shelby was in playland heaven!
Then it was off to Zsa-Zsa & Pa Pa's for some birthday fun and serious spoiling!
He had a Dinosaur cake that was soooo adorable! "D" is for Dinosaur. Tehya also took him to a Dinosaur museum, and I have video to share later.
Seriously? Who just eats the middle of a cake? Answer: Shelby Jones
Off to the Children's Museum for Arts & Crafts with Zsa-Zsa
I know I'm biased here, Zsa-Zsa, but I think Shelby wins! hehehehe
And yet another evidence of the spoiled little birthday boy...."C" is for Cowboy and "B" is for Boots!
These are some seriously handsome cowboys!'s hard work to look this good.
"C" is for Chocolate milk... and look at these precious state of Texas waffles! What time can I come for breakfast!
Oh, and back to the party....
Shelby's fav...SPIDERMAN
YEAH! A new memory game. Tehya can now attest to how easy it is to lose to Shelby at both card games and memory games. I told her I never "let" him win...he smokes me on his own merit!
He's also an excellent puzzle solver.

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