JONES Family

JONES Family

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snow in Livermore!....or ice

We were excited to spend some weekend time with Janea. We met up for brunch at First St Alehouse and it was a fabulous buffet. Then, we surprised Shelby with the snow area downtown. We was excited at first...
But less than 5 minutes later, he walked up to us and said, "Hey, you guys lied! This isn't snow. It's a bunch of ice." We couldn't convince him to stay and play. That ended that idea.
All out of the gear and back to just enjoying Janea time.
For those that don't recall, Janea used to be the Assistant Director at Shelby's daycare when we first moved here. She quickly became our go-to babysitter for time away from Shelby. They've built a fun, loving bond that holds tons of fun memories. Janea moved out of state for a good while and we missed her greatly. We were soooo happy when she moved back! Though she didn't go back to the daycare. Now, she's moved to Sacramento and has an awesome job. She's an hour and a half away, so when she comes to visit on occasional weekends we jump at snagging time on her calendar.
It was too cold, so we hopped into a coffee shop to play mind puzzle games on the ipad.
These two were hilarious trying to figure out how to accomplish each level.
Ready for your next visit, 'Nea!

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