JONES Family

JONES Family

Sunday, January 29, 2012

That doesn't go there!!!!

I wanted to share something about Shelby that continues to bring a smile to my face. It's not something you'd likely notice on a one time outing with him, but definitely something I've found to be a pattern of behavior. OCD at almost 5 yrs old....or simply a product of his mother, watching me carefully put everything back in its place throughout a weekend day or every evening before bed...just like my own mother did.

The behavior: Every time we're in a store...Target, The Dollar Tree, or Cooleykatz toy store here in Livermore, Shelby quickly notices when something is out of place on the shelves and refuses to tolerate such chaos. It's so funny! We were at the toy store Friday picking out a gift for his friend Kyle's party. The owners of the store even had to laugh at how Shelby was matching back up products and rearranging what other children throughout the day had carelessly done. They offered him a job! Hahahahaha

Just wanted to share a glimpse into the young man my son is becoming. :->

1 comment:

Val said...

That's too funny! Is he really 5???