JONES Family

JONES Family

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hot Diggity Dog!

Mommy is out of town with her GG's for the weekend, so it is just daddy and me. We watch the new Mickey Mouse show every morning. At the end of the show Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Daisy, Minnie, and Pluto all did a song and dance called "Hot Dog". This is a video of me dancing along with everyone.


GGDaddy said...

You're getting good at the dances ... keep Daddy filmimg so that we can watch.

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

We watch the same show and Pierce loves it but does not squat like that... he must get his moves from his mommy... I love the videos but I do have to say that I need more of them... keep them coming... Pierce loves to see his BFF.

Val said...

I can't believe Shelby is dancing around - he was still a little baby last time I saw him! He is too stinkin' cute! Please make sure you let us know next time you are in Houston visiting so we can see you all!!

PS - My fav is when Stacy chimes in at the end! I can't tell you how many times we have sung that song at our house!!