My next move will be the Great Nonny classic. (whiney kid) "Mom, Pllllleeeeaaasssee!" (amazing mom) "Police, Police! Where's the Police? I don't see no Police!"
And one day, Daddy will proudly bust out with, "If little Bobby jumped off the bridge...."
So back to picture day. I got a call from daycare that Shelby was all dressed up and next in line to get his photo...but Mommy didn't turn in "the form." Sheesh! Of course I want a picture and I'll pay. Seriously! Do you think I dress my kid up like a big cheese ball for the fun of it? Okay, maybe that's true. But take the dad-gum photo! Luckily I was working from home, so I hopped in the car and sped down the street to turn in "the form." Just when I thought I was in line for Mommy of the Year I go and blow it by being "that parent" that forgot "the form." Ugh!
I get there, and the kids are all dressed and ready to go. Remove screaming, crying kid scared of photographer guy to try again later. Insert Shelby. "Cheese!" New pose. "Cheese!" Oh yeah, my kid's a pro. Or a tortured child with a mother who is practically yelling, "Dance, Chicken" all the time with a flash in his face. Remove Shelby. Next kid - oh yes, another screaming, crying child. Poor photographer. Peace out! I'm back to work.
And so, now you see the product above. LOL! I have to admit...I LOVE it!
They were insanely expensive, so we're quite rationed. We mailed out photos today to predominantly immediate family. My apologies for those who didn't make the cut. Just couldn't bring myself to break the bank for cheesy sweatervest photo. Don't worry, I'll be doing my own session here at home soon and the chicken will dance so I can order you all wallets.
Too cute! I do the same thing to both my kids. I mean look at the cute mommy stuff I have made Zane wear, just so he will hear "STUD" one day from some scarcastic friend. And check out Berkley's HUGE, MEGA bows! Look at her pics & you have to search for the baby! Doesn't get any better than this & I love it! Shelb's is a cutie!
I know that the focus of this was on the sweatervest, but you go girl...in my world you win "Parents of the Year" for the darling little flip flops! Please send me pics of little Shelby feet in flip flops!
You have got to send me one of those... so cute... I just love that kid and miss you guys so much... thanks for all the commentary I love it.
hahaha! love it! I seriously cannot believe how big he is! And so stinkin' cute! So...when are you poppin out the next one? C'mon...you want to be crazy like us, right?? :)
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