JONES Family

JONES Family

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Story Time with Daddy!

We're all about "routine" where it's possible here at the Jones casa. It seems to work best with Shelby. So, at night he gets bath, pj's, storytime then bed with song from Mommy. Since he knows the routine and what to expect, we don't get any protests when we lay him in the crib. In fact, lately after my singing (poor kid) he leans back and I almost drop him into bed.
Last night Daddy did the storytime, so I got to capture it.
Here, Shelby knows all the animals and their sounds! He picked this book out from the library himself. I'm impressed that he knows the difference between the sound a goose makes and the one a duck makes!

And here he's lovin' his new Dinosaur Touch N Feel book from Tehya Thanks, Tehya!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

He is such a smart little boy... I am impressed... should I be worried about Pierce... I think I will calm down since he is trying to learn two languages... HE HE HE

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

I love the fact that Tehya got him a Dino book! I hope he LOVES it! Little man after my own heart! Tell him his Chiotka will teach him all about Dinos!
Kid needs to go into paleontology!

Carol and Tyler said...

Too darling. I love the "Meeeow"