PaPa and Zsa-Zsa sent Christmas gifts, and gave permission for us to dig in early.

His favorite was the bath paint! Yes, the pic below is really him busting out with this pose! He's out of control. I don't even know who showed him this one.
What do you mean "all done?" I'm gonna get it!
Stacy got an ADORABLE coffee mug with a picture of an English bulldog that looks like Tesa's Louise. All the grandkids got a mug that fit their personalities. Stacy's said, "Start every day with a smile and get it over with." Perfect for this household entirely! We're all morning people here, and Shelby is the best of us all! I try to say out loud each day the things I'm grateful for and almost every day I smile, recalling what a good mood my little man is in when he awakes. Starts my day off right every time!
Shelby loved his coloring set, cookies and bath paint.
Mommy especially loved that the markers to the set only color on the intended paper! Good call, Zsa-Zsa!
And we're avid coffee drinkers. Shelby tries to wake us up in the morning. He says, "Get up." "Mommy, glasses." (knowing I'm not going anywhere without 'em) Then, Abby hears, "Abby, go potty." And we all get, "Coffee! And Shelby milk."
I got the best gift of all. A showcase of some of Zsa-Zsa's talent! She wrote a book called, "Women of Valor" and it's currently selling in San Angelo book stores, including Hastings! Some have sold on ebay as well. It's about the great WOMEN founders of San Angelo, TX. She even got an article about it in the San Angelo paper. My only disappointment in the gift: it wasn't autographed and Zsa-Zsa doesn't talk about herself and all of the amazing steps she took to further the advancement of women in society. Even the author of the article commented how she left herself out!
Zsa-Zsa....we expect a 2nd edition next year!
Thanks PaPa and Zsa-Zsa for the great gifts!
1 comment:
Did you guys hear what was on Shae's? It fits him to a 'T'...
Last time I saw Shelby he didn't even say enough words to fit a sentence!! He's growing so fast! I CAN'T wait to wrap my arms around him!
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