Nonna & Granddad had Shelby rolling like a king with a new car seat and cool pillow thing.
After his week with Nonna & Granddad (you saw videos many blogs ago)...I arrived and we took off for Saige's birthday party! Okay, my precious little niece still looks EXACTLY like my mother! It's crazy...
And check out Daxton! I couldn't believe what a little man he sprouted into!
Hey, Alligator!
For those that know Shelby well, you know this is a classic Shelby attitude/expression. He's basically telling Uncle D..."are you kidding me? You'd better catch me."
Zoomed in.
Whoa! Uncle D has big muscles!
He gets it from Nonna...
Back and, Nonna, don't throw him in the water! Just kidding, Shelby.

LOL! Okay....I couldn't resist....mmm...who wants Shelby's boogers in their Tinkerbell cake?
Happy Birthday to Saige! Make a wish, Baby Girl!
Hey, what color's my tongue? I'd ask my dad, but he's color blind.
Shelby helped Nonna pick these hair holders out.
Then, he waited very patiently for his turn to give Saige the present he and Mommy brought all the way from Cali. We were in an antique store one day and I saw original Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls. I told Shelby I had dolls just like them when I was a girl. He insisted we buy them for his cousin, Saige for her birthday. Weeks later we packed them up and hauled them to Texas.
But, just as his turn came up, one of Sharla's nieces took the bag from him and handed it to Saige. He was absolutely crushed... but soon recovered with another allowed time in the fun water.
Me & My Little Bro! (well, used to be "little")

More to come!
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