Well, we did it....the magic of Santa was there in Shelby's Christmas Day. Broom, Spiderman stickered camera and all. :->Shelby came in our room that morning and said, "Mommy, we gotta go see if Santa ate all the cookies!" So off we snuck to see what happened.
Below is a really long (20+min) video of the day. I was constantly switching between video and camera, so if you're family and you don't see pics of the gift you had here under the tree, check the video for his reaction. THANK YOU to everyone for everything!!!!! Hope you enjoy the video!
If you're not so interested in Shelby opening gifts, just check out the first few minutes for his excitement when he realizes Santa came. Oh, and yes, Shelby asked if he could eat the last bite of the cookie that Santa left behind.
Thank you, Grandpa & Grammy!Wow, time flies. Bike #1 from Grandpa & Grammy. Just promise you guys say "no" when he asks for a motorcycle one day!Stocking stuffer gift.Pirate pj's from Uncle Shae (aka Knothead), Ciotka, MaryAnn & Lil StacyFinger puppets and candy included.And a Lee Rebels shirt straight from Midland and Daddy's old stomping grounds!Shelby asked Stacy and me for a red guitar.He jammed out for quite some time.PIRATES from Grammy & Grandpa!And binoculars!Grammy got him these Spiderman skates. He was pumped. We had to go outside and try them out. After busting tail a few times he said, "I don't think Grammy made a very good choice. I'm just so slippery!"It's been raining too much, but as soon as Shelby can cover the sidewalk in this 3D chalk, he's on it!Candy from the pj's gift box...Ew...sour!Uncle Tim & Aunt Linda, Hannah & Ian sent a cool music set: drum, kazoo, maracas, tamberine, etc. Check out the video for the jam session.Granddad got Shelby his first pellet (sp?) gun! (Pics to come later when we shoot), but Nonna sent clothes. My kid is one of those rare children that actually gets excited about clothes!And speaking of outfits....Tehya sent a Pirate costume!!!! As you can see below, he's not too fond of the earring...ouch...and once we got him past the ruffles on the shirt ("This looks like a girl princess!") we were good and he loved running around the house screaming "Arrr"Daddy got a Cowboys getup from Grammy & Grandpa.
These are the gift tags I made for his gifts to friends at school.
Tehya sent Shelby a Pirate's Night Before Christmas book.... If you're interested in Shelby's reaction, see the video. I read half and Stacy read half, but his video had an error message....sorry! It was funny, too, because Shelby doesn't care for Daddy reading books, so the whole thing was him pretending to cover eyes and ears, while curiously peeking through to see what was going on.
Busted! Shelby, those cookies are for Santa! We had already gone through the whole bedtime routine. So, we put Shelby to bed and then a few minutes later we heard pitter patter. "Mommy, we didn't brush my teeth again, after I ate the cookie!" That's my son....I'm so proud!
Earlier in the evening, I let Shelby open one gift from Mommy & Daddy. It was this dinosaur land tent. We had a blast!
Lots to blog from Christmas, but I wanted to share a photo that's already captured my heart. Shelby is in the Panda class at school, and Stacy and I got him a Panda beanie and a stuffed Panda we found in China Town on our trip for Stacy's birthday. Shelby was so excited and soooo sweet with his new baby.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
12 Days of Christmas, 2010
On the 12th Day of Christmas,the Cali Jones' gave to me...
12 Bottles of Wine
Note: For all those that looked at the bottles of wine and thought, "yes, that's what gets me through the year. Wait...just ONE for every month?" just know this blog's for you. I'd also like to recognize my mother-in-law, Tesa, for knowing me so well. I had 12 bottles of wine planned since I decided to do 12 Days of Christmas. Let's face it, I live in WINE COUNTRY! Then, I opened a gift under the tree from Tesa, and it was these precious hats, scarves and gloves for bottles of wine. How perfect. To personify wine bottles makes me feel less crazy. Now they have outfits! Which is perfect, because they've been my "friends" for so long....we talk to each other, "Hi, how was your day?" "Tough" "Oh, then have a sip and relax....it's over." They comfort me in times of sorrow, help me celebrate in times of glee..... So, here's to wine country, my friends!
11 Shelby Dance Moves
10 Shelby Mustangs
9 Aggie Wins...Whoop!
an 8 Point and Deer Chilli
7 Shelby Masterpieces
6 Cali Weekends
5 Shelby Stories
4 Karate Belts
3 Plane Tickets to Texas
2 World Series Tickets
...and a Big HOWDY from Cali!
Friday, December 24, 2010
12 Days of Christmas, 2010
On the 11th Day of Christmas, the Cali Jones' gave to me...
The Panda Class is absolutely precious! Full of great kids that come with great families. And we're all so lucky to have such exceptional teachers and staff! The top row is the Administrative staff, the second row, the classroom teachers. L to R Miss Eliana, Miss Carolina, Miss Laurie. The curriculum is impressively aggressive, and they just do the most exceptional job every single day.
I zoomed in on the shot below to show how unbelievably concentrated Shelby is throughout the whole show.
In the video, Shelby and Spencer (red shirt 2 kids on the left of Shelby) were equally intense. So hilarious!
Shelby and his buddy....Silas. Shelby chased Silas around for a pic, but this was the closest we got.Nicholas, one of Shelby's best buds you all know from many blogs.Rachel, new little cutie.You all know the love of his life, adorable Alex...who was not so keen on photos with Shelby that night. He later relayed to us, "Miss Laurie said Alex looked like her getting married!" I said, "who's she going to marry?" He quickly replied, "Me!" ...and insert the recently developed competition, precious Gianna. At first, he denied it hard core, loyal to only Alex, despite our teasing. Then one day at dinner, he announced he had "two girlfriends, Alex & Gianna." Good luck, Ladies.
The whole class did a great job at this year's program! They're growing up so fast!