The Panda Class is absolutely precious! Full of great kids that come with great families. And we're all so lucky to have such exceptional teachers and staff! The top row is the Administrative staff, the second row, the classroom teachers. L to R Miss Eliana, Miss Carolina, Miss Laurie. The curriculum is impressively aggressive, and they just do the most exceptional job every single day.
I zoomed in on the shot below to show how unbelievably concentrated Shelby is throughout the whole show.
In the video, Shelby and Spencer (red shirt 2 kids on the left of Shelby) were equally intense. So hilarious!
Shelby and his buddy....Silas. Shelby chased Silas around for a pic, but this was the closest we got.Nicholas, one of Shelby's best buds you all know from many blogs.Rachel, new little cutie.You all know the love of his life, adorable Alex...who was not so keen on photos with Shelby that night. He later relayed to us, "Miss Laurie said Alex looked like her getting married!" I said, "who's she going to marry?" He quickly replied, "Me!" ...and insert the recently developed competition, precious Gianna. At first, he denied it hard core, loyal to only Alex, despite our teasing. Then one day at dinner, he announced he had "two girlfriends, Alex & Gianna." Good luck, Ladies.
The whole class did a great job at this year's program! They're growing up so fast!
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