Shelby was recently promoted to a Red Belt!But first he had to prove his skills.They matched them up with a teenager and let them have it. Too cute. Shelby was excited to get Mr. Johnson. Mr. Rogers cheered him on.Mr. Ballecer had all the kids turn to their parents and wave. Hi, Shelby!Shelby & his buddy, Tyler. Tyler just graduated from Tiny Tiger to the Black Belt Club. Shelby's not too far behind. Mr. Johnson & Mr. Hernandez I'm always amazed at how much patience and compassion these young kids have with the little ones. Shelby truly looks up to them, and I'm grateful for such good role models for him.Ms. AriMr. BallecerTyler, his brother Noah & Shelby. They thought they were funny putting their labels with their name and rank creatively on their foreheads. Nice...We're proud of you, Shelby! Keep up the good work!
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