When Tehya brought the Shelbster back, we all headed to Yosemite. This is the second time, Stacy, Shelby and I have been and it took my breath away all over again. It is humbling to stand in the presence of such phenomenal beauty

So cute!

Shelby and I ventured down below to wade in the water (cold water) like lots of other people are. Can you see Tehya & Daddy waving down to us?

Tesa's boot broke! It was clearly on it's last adventure.

Not to worry, we may have moved to Cali, but we're still born and bred Texans that know how to fix thangs. LOL

Off to Bridal Veil Falls

I love how casual this shot is.

Told ya....breathtaking!

Shelby is so mad in the next few pics. We hiked a ways up and stopped for pictures. He was extremely upset that we weren't hiking up to the actual water fall! Wow....really you little dare devil!

Tehya and Mommy were on board with what we were supposed to be posing like. Shelby on the other hand....

This is a bit of a where's waldo shot. Can you find Tehya & Shelby?

Shelby wanted to walk across this log that was just over a bed of rushing water.

Day 2: On to South end where the Sequoias are a phenomenon in and of themselves. How does a tree grow soooo big and wide?

Sure wish I could read...

The Grizzly

This is the fallen tree. We walked for MILES to get up to this point. Exhausted as can be, late in the day and a 4 yr old with no nap in tow...on the way down we informed the beaten down looking people making the hike "it really is just a fallen tree." Glad we did it and we got some laughs out of the deal, but don't plan to do that one again.

On the way back down, however, I couldn't resist capturing more beauty around us.

Yosemite was AMAZING!
But we had to take Tehya to a nice dinner before she left us to go back to Texas. Everyone was looking nice.
I just love the grins in this pic.

This picture makes me think, wow, one day my own son will tower over me, a strong, accomplished man to be proud of. I know Tesa is proud of both her boys and the lives they've built. :-> What a feeling!

Thanks so much for the time with Shelby in Texas and the time with us in Cali, Tesa! Hurry back!!!! Next trip it's the snow in the mountains or a relaxing weekend in wine country. ;->

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