JONES Family

JONES Family

Friday, November 18, 2011

Duttons visit for Labor Day

Mason, Laura & Kampton made the loooong drive from Salt Lake City to visit us for Labor Day! We had so much fun, especially Shelby and Kampton.We actually started the weekend at Stacy's crossfit gym. Stacy talked Mason into checking it out.
Having fun yet?Laura and I popped by with the kids to take some pics. The kids decided they needed to work out like daddy.Shelby was also excited to see his buddies. Eric is always willing to take some time out to give Shelby attention, and Shelby just adores him. So sweet.Hey there, Coach Jones.
Still having fun...LOL...
Eric, Stacy & Chris. Chris is another of Shelby's favs! Of course we've always known Stacy's good at picking great friends. Perfect reminder with Mason and his family in town.
Hey Kam, watch what these things are for.
I'm not thinking that looks right, Shelby.
More like this?Laura grabbed a hoola hoop and showed the kids how to get it done!Stacy's turn to workout.On to lunch...after all, what's the point in working out if you can't celebrate yourself.
Mason chose a rather precious looking drink to balance back out all that manly working out he had done. Ha
Speaking of precious! I'm just sad my camera lens had clearly fogged up a bit.Playing in the park area while waiting for our food.
Back home to enjoy the afternoon.Gee, who's mastered the "mini me" concept more? It's a tie! Those are some handsome boys, there.Bathtime. They're actually not kissing, just being silly.
After an awesome dinner by Mr. Jones, we all rested well.
The next day it was off to Fisherman's Wharf for our San Fran adventure.
Proof Laura and I were there that weekend...hahaha
I love this one.
Long time buds.
Future plumber...
Mason Street!
Arrrr Matey!Kam slept in the stroller on the walk to Ghirardelli Square. When he awoke he had to get in on some of the Ghirardelli ice cream we were enjoying.Just for the record, I'm not happy about barely getting a nap, but I'm gonna eat this ice cream to show you guys a lesson.
Another non napper started to reach exhaustion. The group photo at the top of this blog was taken as he dozed off in my arms.Next morning before the Duttons got on the road. Kam loved the pj's Shelby outgrew and passed down. Ciotka, they're still going strong!Buds, just like they're daddies. I gotta say, these are two darn cute kids!One last wrestle with Stacy before the drive.
To distract Shelby from the sadness of everyone leaving, Stacy tossed him in the air. The goal was to get him laughing.
Yeah....didn't work. Just scared the crap out of Shelby. "Daddy, don't throw me that high again!"
Thanks to the Duttons for making the drive. It was soooo wonderful to spend quality time with you all again! We'll be back your way next year.

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