When we were with the Dutton's going to San Fran, Stacy started yelling, "HEY!" out the window at somebody. I thought, oh no, road rage. But it was the Williams family! They were headed to Fisherman's Wharf with friends as well. The boys wanted to see each other so we met up.

They were so cute, Angela and I arranged an upcoming playdate for them at our house.

The boys had a blast on the playground. They look so much alike people often mix them up at school. :->

And Stacy gave them an orange off our tree.

A little sour?

I called it Ratatouille playdate. We made little rat pizzas. Poor Carson said, "I really don't eat rats" with a horrified look, when I told him what was for lunch. LOL!

But they soon got the picture.

Hey, your rat won't have hair if you eat it all, Shelbster.

Most of the components got removed by the boys before eating just tomato sauce & cheese.

Shelby still loves his black olives, though.

Thanks for coming to play with us, Carson! Hope you had as much fun as we did.
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