JONES Family

JONES Family

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Shelby/Mommy Day presents....

A puppet show!

Shelby awoke at 6am this morning. Gee, go figure when we've been waking him up close to 7am telling him it's time to get ready for school and him fighting to sleep longer.
I brought him back in bed with me, hoping he'd fall back asleep. Stacy is away hunting again this weekend, and I had told Shelby last night when I tucked him in that today was going to be "Shelby/Mommy day!" I had just about dozed back off when Shelby whispered, "Mommy." "Yes, Shelby" (insert exhausted, annoyed, please let me sleep for the love of Pete voice). "'s Shelby/Mommy day." (insert excited, happy voice) MELT..... Okay, I'm up.

In addition to the scrapbooking adventure, we made paper bag puppets. This was a real treat, as Shelby got to use his child-safety scissors to make the hair and get messy with glue. I told him when Daddy got home, we'd put on a puppet show. He wanted to practice a few times and kept reminding me that when daddy got home "we gonna do puppet show, Mommy!"

Poor thing! Bed time...and no sign of daddy. So, I made a big deal about getting the camera and showing all of you his big production. Hope you enjoyed the Puppet Show compliments of Shelby/Mommy day production company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What I learned: poop and coconut! Well, it does go together :-) LOVE it