Going back a month...time to finish Easter.
Tiffany, Joaquin & Esteban (former neighbors that we miss living conveniently close ;->) invited us for a fun Easter gathering at the park.

Gorgeous Girl!!! I absolutely adore this shot.

And precious lil sis.

Girly girl talk starts young.

Let's hunt some eggs!

Hi, sweet boy..."ya'll just wait till next year, I'll get some eggs"

Yeah for the moms! Tiffany, Michelle , Nadia & Me.

That evening, Aaron & Chaila had a sleepover!...Yet more former neighbors that we miss being conveniently close.

Tehya sent this awesome Easter Egg Decorating Kit!

Stacy made the arrangement pretty by using the "J" cups I love that Zsa Zsa gave us a few Christmases ago.

Chaila immediately began making pretty eggs.

Shelby....a mess.

and cool Spiderman tattoo eggs.

Aaron kept it simple.

After a long craft time, the kids are proud of their outcomes.

They worked up an appetite.

Then off to the movies to see Rio. Afterwards, we allowed time for a few games in the arcade.

On Easter Sunday we had two parties: Mike, Shari & Morgan had us over for brunch. (Mike is the owner of Stacy's Crossfit gym)
Shelby LOVED this horse tire swing. So cool!

and their huge Saint Bernard doggie, Daisy

Shelby adores his friend/babysitter, Morgan.

Suzy, fellow crossfit trainer, took Shelby out around the property for horse-feeding. She gave Shelby a demonstration & then let him have at it.

Here you go

Whoa! Did you see that?

What, you want this?

How many more horses are there?

Dude, really? Can you hold this carrot up & not drop it?

Screw this, just take two. I'm outta here.

Then off to Grandma Jeanie's for some more fun with Aaron & Chaila.

What, do I have frosting on my face?

After the cutest Easter Scavenger Hunt, it was time for fun in the hot tub (wayyyy too cold for the pool).

Chaila, have you seen Shelby?

There he is!

If you have 15+minutes, check out the video for Easter Egg hunting from the Shell Hunt, the Easter Bunny's arrival, the Easter Scavenger Hunt (so cool with clues in eggs to find your treasure) at Grandma Jeanie's and Prince Shelby bossing Chaila around in the hottub. Enjoy!