JONES Family

JONES Family

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What?! I'm 32?!?!?!

Thursday evening Stacy & Shelby took me out to a nice Italian dinner to celebrate as a family. Shelby helped Stacy wrap one of my gifts and I have saved the piece of the paper that says "Mom" in Shelby's own handwriting. Then, Friday morning, Shelby jumped in bed saying, "Surprise! Happy Birthday, yesterday." Not sure what the 'yesterday' was about. Then proceeded to count how old he was...1, 2, 3, 4. And then me....OMG...32 takes FOREVER.

I dropped Shelby off in Fairfield in the afternoon, and by Friday evening Stacy and I were in Arnold for a fun adult weekend. It all began with a fabulous cake from Nancy to celebrate!
The weekend was a product out of the previously discussed Jazz Gala (yes, still need to get up action shots from then.) Karen (left) purchased a weekend at a condo in Arnold, CA. It was an effort to send her off to Qatar! We can't believe she's leaving us this week!!!! (sniff...) And then it combo'd with my bday for a fun filled weekend. (Karen, Shari, Erica & Me)
Erica & JermaineThe guys were such troopers with us women dominating the trip. Nancy bought Karen "Eat, Pray, Love" as a sendoff to her own soul searching time in the Middle East.
And as the pie/cake dangerously began Friday night, some seriously fabulous lemon martini's (recipe of Oprah) made by Erica began a hysterical Saturday night playing Taboo.
Stacy & I hit the hot tub. Nice!

And while we were partying it up, Shelby was camping with the Olsens'! Brent & Anissa are seriously the best to take on our child for the weekend. I think they finally believe me when I tell them their 4 kids are the equivalent effort of our 1.
Brent and "Shelbarooni"
Oh great, Shelby acting da fool.
Huge family tent!
Anissa taking on a friend's kid, one of her own, and mine....SUPER WOMAN!
Shelby could not stop telling us about the seagulls eating the crabs. He thought it was the greatest.
HUGE thanks to Brent for capturing the trip for us.
And when we got home, Shelby was rewarded with his gift from a precious little candy shop in Murpheys. Panda...of course!

Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to make my birthday special this year. Thanks to all that called, texted, sent cards or gifts, and just thought of me. Love to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great birthday celebration!! Thirties are great.. never look behind!