JONES Family

JONES Family

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Math Whiz

As a father who is a math dominate mind, I am proud to say that my son is following in my steps. First off, I have to remind everyone that this is the mind of a four year old.

We were having dinner, just Shelby and I. I made tortellini with venison marinara sauce. Shelby is doing well eating, but he wanted some Gold Fish with his meal. He already had two bites, so I said that he has to have two more bites before he can get the Gold Fish. He then tells me to not watch him while he eats. I can see out of the corner of my eye that he takes two bites of the tortellini. He then tells me that he can have Gold Fish. I tell him that I did not see him take any bites, because he did not want me to watch him. He gives this big sigh and says "Then that means I will have to take six bites." At this point, I am just amazed that he did the math so quick. I still made him take two more bites before he got whole bowl of Gold Fish.

I was trying to tell him how impressed I am with him doing that addition, but he did not even realize what he did. Maybe that means that math will be second nature for him.

Maybe a future rocket scientist.

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