JONES Family

JONES Family

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Terrible 2's...early

The teachers have informed us that Shelby is "advanced" in almost all areas of development. So why would I for a moment think he won't be into Terribe Two's before his peers as well.

He is testing all boundaries. He often yells, "STOP!" and recently started "NO, GO AWAY!" I'm beside myself as I've spanked...seems to send the message it's okay to hit, as he just hits back and usually aims for my face. I've yelled with a stern grab to the for a second, but then he gets angry and just yells back. This morning I tried being sad and telling him to "Talk nice to Mommy." He immediately gave me a hug and said, "I sorry, Mommy." I thought I'd found the trick, till a few hours later he demanded I "Go Away," and that tactic did nothing.



Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Hey girl.. AMen is all I have to say.. I totally understand... we need to talk bc we can support each other during this time... Pierce does the exact same thing... I get so sick sometimes but other tims when he is sweet it makes up for it... but seriously call me... 832-731-8100

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I guess like all new Moms I try to convince myself that my baby will never misbehave. Must be a self-protective defense that we develop upon childbirth :) I can't wait to see your big boy next fall (seems so far away!).

Patsi said...

Well, I would like to tell you that it gets better quickly, but as my pedi told me "I don't know why they call it the Terrible TWO's, wait til he is THREE!" Yes, Zane does the same things. And I tell you I have tried EVERYTHING! I even spanked him in the pedi's office & got a pat on the shoulder with "Way to go Mom" from our pedi! Yeah, you know you got problems when you spank your child in the pedi's office & get commended for it. I bawled! As my pedi tells us, "Stay on him or when he is 16 & wants to sneak out with Little Suzie & then you really got problems!" Zane told me Thursday, "It's not your business, you mind your business!" Yeah, tell me he didn't get it! UGHHH!