JONES Family

JONES Family

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ciotka's Cupcakes

Saturday 1/24
After the airplane ride and ride to Tehya's...(Thanks, Uncle Shae, for coming to get us!)..and after Mom's demanded stop at Whataburger! YUM YUM

Speaking of YUM, Ciotka (sounds like Chuchee) aka Aunt Haper, spent Saturday afternoon making cupcakes. When we arrived, Shelby and MaryAnn got to decorate their birthday cupcakes!

Okay, Harper, give them good instructions.
I don't think you're supposed to be doing that, Mr. Jones!
You guys aren't doing too well...
Let Teyha show you how it's done.Ciotka took on cleanup duty.Looking so sad for the fun to be over.Thanks for the hard work, Harper! They were DELICIOUS!

1 comment:

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

We had so much fun! Miss that little guy already!