Shelby and Chaila (Next door neighbor who debuts often on the blog)
Shelby and Mia - Shelby LOVES Mia! Mia is "Aunt" Carol's granddaughter. They met when the family came in October and Nonny stayed at Carol's. Shelby played with Mia for an entire day and spent the next several on his play cell phone, "Hi, Mia!" The cutest.
Mia and her brother, Zach. ADORABLE kids!
This is "Aunt" Carol, Tom and the kids. Carol and Tom are 2nd time Shelby birthday party goers. They helped ring in the big One last year. For those who don't know the scoop, Carol and my Nonny have been best friends for almost 50 years now. When we moved out here, we were excited that Carol lived only 1.5 hrs from us! When Nonny comes to visit, I have to share, but we all love it.
I didn't get pics of the game Sharla came up with, but luckily Stacy got video. Great idea, Sharla! The kids decorated the balloons with stickers to make pigs, cows and chickens. Then, they had to line up, let the animals go out in the yard and, "Oh no! The animals got out of their pin!" so they ran around to get them safely back home while the music played.

This was great, except the guest of honor didn't get it. Poor Shelby thought they were playing a game of chase. So, he held on to his balloon animal tight and ran around the yard. It was hilarious! You'll hear Teren yelling "touchdown" cause it looked more like he was playing tag football. But, we finally got him there.
CAKE time! The gift bags serve as decor, so sorry. The cake was FABULOUS! Everyone had cupcakes and Shelby had his own little barn cake.
Happy Birthday to you..

Only touched it with his fingers thus far. This is his buddy, Kyle from TDLC. We're just excited he calls him by his name. For the longest, Kyle was Ike. Who knows.....
After some coaxing from Chaila, Shelby finally dug in, face first!

This is the look that melts Mommy's heart often. Usually, it involves something mischievious (sp?).
The icing on the cupcakes stained all mouths and tongues, but it was way cuter to show on the kids. Mia and Chaila had fun freaking me out with crazy looks.
And everyone knows Jett, another common blogger on Jones Scoop. Can you believe how big he's getting, though? Absolutely precious.
Ms. Crystal and Ms. Teren (Shelby's teachers from TDLC). Every day when Stacy picks up Shelby, he tells me that Shelby has to say good-bye to both of them and give them each kisses. What a flirt!
Ms. Teren helps Shelby with his bag-o-goodies she got him. Though I could kill her for this horribly obnxious flute thing that Shelby LOVES, I'll forgive her, because...
She also got him his favorite hat from when he was in her class. Way to make those eyes pop!
Kyle, you are just too sweet. I want to squeeze the heck out of you, you little cutie patootie!
Jett's all cleaned up and looking too cute.
Even Baby Tyler woke up to join in the fun! Speaking of growing up....how in the world have you gotten so big, Little Man!
I finally slowed Aaron (next door neighbor & brother of Chaila) down for a pic with the Shelbster. These kids ran around crazy out back and just had a ball.
Nancy (Stacy's former co-worker) and John were as cute as always. You may remember them from the blog around Christmas time from pics of Santa and lights. 

I finally slowed Aaron (next door neighbor & brother of Chaila) down for a pic with the Shelbster. These kids ran around crazy out back and just had a ball.

The End!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who attended. We truly appreciate all the love and support out here in Cali!
What fun! Wish I could've been there. I can't believe that Shelby is 2 years old. It seems like just yesterday you all came into TDLC with little baby Shelby in your arms. And what about Kyle! What a cutie! Tell Brandi I send my love. Love to you and your as well. See you in April for TDLC's anniversary.
Okay, ADORABLE! It looks like everyone had a blast! I love it! But I am telling you, we need to come to Cali, Zane can show Shelb's how to tear into some cake! Zane's a pro (as seen in preveious post)!
The party pictures are adorable! I remember the birth announcement! Where does the time go? I can't believe Shelby is already TWO!
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