Monday 1/26
This was Easy. Apparently, she was Shelby's favorite, because he keeps calling all the horses, "Easy!" "Mommy, go see Easy!"
My cute little ranch hand.
No, Mommy, don't follow me...
And he's off...
Ha! Daddy caught you!
After seeing horses, Shelby's favorite thing was the mode of transportation...a fun golf cart on steroids for the rugged outdoors.
Excuse me, Sir, do you have a license for that thing?
Someone at work asked, "So, your mother-in-law is retired, what does she do all day?" Here is what I discovered. She deals with a lot of crap all day long. I saw how much hard work it is to take care of horses and dogs. But in addition, she deals with contract worker crap, financial crap, house crap, and a husband. Of course, we all know that means she puts up with husband crap, too. (LOL! Just Kidding, Johnny!)
Shelby helped Tehya with the horses on Monday. It was cold, but there was no stopping him from getting outside and "working." These three are her preggo girls.

I literally snorted at the last picture and remark!!! And yes, we ALL deal with husband crap.
Cute pics... I have simialr ones with Pierce at his Great Grandma's with the cows... so cute... and thanks for making me LOL with that laugh pic and commentary.
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