So I decided to add some Shelby stats I'll try to keep up to date (see right side of blog). I'll try to keep you updated on what he's into so you get a glimpse into Shelby's days and desires.
Let me tell you about my little man. He's all about equality. If someone has something, Shelby demands that everyone has the exact same. Example: Shelby observes Daddy has a drink at the table, but Mommy didn't get herself one yet. "Daddy! Mommy drink!"
He's also a morning person! This has its pro's and con's. His bedtime is around 8:30pm. His waking time....5:30-6:30am. This is great during the week, as I don't have to drag a groggy baby half asleep and cranky to school. However, it seems so injust on the weekends when 6am rolls around. Brutal. But he's in a great mood in the mornings, which always starts my day off right.
He's very aggressive lately, setting dominance, especially amongst his friends. I'm quite concerned about this one.
Stacy uses the term "Momma's Boy" to describe the Shelbster. I hope that's a good thing. I'll take all I can get to be the lady of his life before it's too late.
Mr. Independence! Whatever we as adults do, Shelby thinks he can do too. I don't care what it is...he's gonna attempt it. I've been trying to get Ms. Stacy to start potty training. He tells me when he's going potty, usually to ensure I know he'd like some privacy and he'll be in the corner if I need him. But the other day he said, "Mommy, Shelby go potty." After a little while of silence I started checking his usual spots. I found him on the toilet with the lid lifted up, sitting on the edge of the pot, clothes on, going poo in his diaper!
And finally, Mr. Observation. I was just talking to Ms. Lori at school and we were dicussing how observant he is. He got in trouble because he figured out how to unlatch the gate at school and go to rooms he's not supposed to be in. He also comes home and not only tells me what they did at school that day, but is very observant of the feelings and emotions involved in the actions, and finds words and expressions to recreate the scene for me. He loves I Spy books, even those that seem too old for him, in which he sometimes finds the item before I even see it!
Here's Shelby last February:

1 comment:
It looks like our boys have a few things in common. Zane, too, loves Cheese, Brother Bear, & Go Diego Go! He is pretty independent, observant, & dominate (or tries to be)! It is amazing the progress a year makes!
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