Last Saturday, 8/22 we took Shelby to the Oakland A's game! He had a blast. A little restless in the stands, but overall did well.

My boss' youngest son, Derek is such a cutie, I wanted to eat him up!

Shelby was being a toot and not posing for a pic with Derek.

Notice the jackets? It got COLD at night! Again, gotta love California!

After the game was over and we were headed to the car, this young boy (about 13yrs old) thought Shelby was cute kicking around a can and asked if he'd like a ball. He explained that it wasn't a foul ball, but indeed one of the balls the players tossed into the stands after the game! It's a Rawlings Official Major League Baseball!!! I was so impressed with the young man's sacrifice for a cute little guy that I wished I had his mother's number to call and tell her what a selfless young man she raised! Shelby acted as if he understood what a cherished treasure this is. He often asks for his "new ball" or "Oakland ball" so he can play catch. The pic below is funny. After spending a few minutes try to get him to hold the ball in the air, and him just sort of swaping out hands, we went with what we got.

Take me out to the Ball Game! Take me out to the crowd! Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks...(for like $30)...I don't care if I ever come back...
Jackets??? What are those?
Cool story!
What a great night and I am so jealous about the coats... oh how I miss them... Shelby is so cute and Pierce loves to watch the video over and over
seriously... wearing long sleeves and jackets?? What side of the world are you located? haha! Here in Texas, we pull those out for a couple weeks in December! Dont you know its still in the 100's outside?!
Cute pictures and it looks like y'all had fun. On a different note, me and a couple of my co-workers were just reminising about college and living in the dorms and it brought back some fond memories or the good ol' days in Fowler Hall!.....You wanna buy some's only $19.95....!!!
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