It was a wonderful weekend in Gruene, TX. Wow, back to the GG roots. (Gruene Girls) I truly enjoyed my time with my girls, their men and their babies. Thanks so much, Ladies!!!!

Top: Julie Eberhart (now Vicic), Laurie Hyland (now Mayor), Jamie Edins (now Hartsfield), Cantrell Lewis (now Morford). Bottom: Christina Anderson (now Jones) and Holly Poole (former GG)
Crazy ladies!
Toned it down over the years...
Da Baby Boyz

Enter...GG husbands. Hence the toning it down. L to R: Eric Hartsfield (Jamie's), Jeremy Morford (Cantrell's), Billy Vicic (Julie's), Stacy Jones (mine!) and Jonathon Mayor (Laurie's) Thanks for being so fabulous, boys!

L to R: Shelby Jones (mine!), Dominic Mayor (Lu's), Harrison Vicic (Julz'), Peyton Hartsfield (James') and Jackson Vicic (Julz')
We're so thrilled about Cantrell's pending adoption of a GIRL! About time there's some pink around here. :->
Precious Babies!
Thanks again. Love you all!

This is amazing... I love seeing these pics.. wish I was in texas so I could see you.
Tina, these are precious. Looking at these old pictures and the new ones of our baby boys makes me cry - for what I'm not sure - happiness? for times past? - anyway thank you for capturing life so we can all remember it. Love you and your boys.
PS - your song 'you're gonna miss this' probably is not helping! ;)
I agree with Julie... what a gift you have of capturing life. Looking at these pics made me all teary eyed... maybe its the hormones... but one thing is for sure.. you have a gift.
We all miss you.... wishing you were home in TX...
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