Stacy swears that had he not met me, he would have joined the military. Thank goodness we were serious when 9/11 happened. Now, the thought of my son doing such one day just scares me crazy. But, that will be his choice.
My Nonny has made me a few costumes for a line CAJ Photography will one day soon as I can afford more fabric! :->
I wanted to ensure Shelby wore the outfits before he outgrew them. Daddy had to work today, so he and Mommy had a blast doing a photo shoot together!

Listen here, Sergeant!

I'm getting bored, Mom.

Mean mug...

Military ID shot.

US Navy?

All pooped out, Sailor.

What cute pics... I can not believe that he just sits there and lets you take those pics... it is crazy... wow...and I love the lasy army one with the hand on his face... priceless
How adorable!!
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