JONES Family

JONES Family

Sunday, May 10, 2009

PeekABoo after Naptime

Shelby and I sometimes play peek-a-boo through the slats on his crib.  I took in my camera, but wasn't fully thinking, as I didn't take a flash and it was dark for the nap, so the photos are grainy.  However, he'll soon be moving on to a big boy bed, and I wanted to ensure some of my favorite memories with him are locked in.
It takes him a little while to warm up.
But not long!And even less time to get sassy with the camera!Making an effort to squeeze in the photo.  
Dear Shelby,
It's happening.  You're growing up too fast.  Soon it will be time to set aside all the baby items and move on to the big boy stuff, like a big boy bed.  Before you do, I wanted to say THANK YOU.  Thank you for all the smiles your infancy has brought me.  Thanks for what a happy morning-baby you are (even though you arise between 5:30-6:00am).  Thanks for loving to play peek-a-boo and laughing so hard that it's that sound I focus on around Wednesday afternoon during a tough week at work.  And it's your smile that warms me up on Monday mornings when it's back to the grind.  Who needs coffee?  (That's metaphoric of course.  Please don't take away my coffee.)
I can only hope those moments between us mean only a smidget to you what they mean to me.  Maybe it'll be somewhere in your subconscious when you're dealing with a tough day at daycare; when you're just not getting your way, we didn't pack your favorite mac-and-cheese for lunch and someone else's mommy and daddy did, or when your eczema breaks out so bad all you can focus on is scratching.  Maybe you'll look forward to time with Mom, because in your heart you too know that I am nothing without the joy you bring me.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

I am in tears... your words are so real and sweet... so is that what daddy is making a big boy bed? You are a great mommy...

Jeramy, Terrie, Eli, and Aiden said...

you brought me to tears... love these love letters to your boy!