Shelby had a blast hanging out with Nonna & Granddad. Even just chilling on the couch became a party full of laughs.

Thanks again for coming!!!

They never forget Abby, either. She even got a new toy from her Nonna & Granddad.

This is Shelby happy, thinking he's going "on da airplane" too.

And he's off.
Why's Nonna hugging me? I'm going too!

I debated if I should share this video, as it felt a bit private, but I wanted to show how quickly Shelby became somber when he started to grasp they were leaving without him.
Bye! We'll miss you!!!!!!!

what a great weekend... and I can not believe I missed your bday... happy big one girl... you deserve it. I can not believe that you captured that video of your mom and Shelby at the gate.... without balling... so sweet... and you are beautiful just like your mama... so sweet.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Oh and such a sweet moment with Shelby and your mom.... brought me to tears! Thank you for sharing that moment of them... just shows what a great heart he has.... you two are doing a great job of parenting and teaching him to love....
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